Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Salmon patties on toast



Half of clementine went to dogs because it was sour.


I am trying to meet a fitness goal. While weight loss is important (I gained 40 lbs while I was in college), I am more disappointed in my loss of strength and flexibility. Earning my degree was a major accomplishment, but those 2.5 years sitting in front of a computer or textbook nearly every free moment have taken a toll on my body.

While I've tried things like writing down everything I eat with moderate success, I have a hard time remembering to do it. Instead, I'm going to try and "image" what I eat... take an iPhone photo and post it here so I can reflect back.

I will allow myself "vacations" from this process at times, particularly if I am spending a vacation weekend away or am in an area without internet access. But for the most part, I am going to try and image what I eat. Nothing fancy, just some enhanced self-accountability to help me make better decisions about what I put in my body.

I have been overweight my entire life, but in the past I was also active, flexible and even a little athletic. I'd like to return to that level of fitness or perhaps an even better one. I think I'm probably having a midlife crisis ;) 
